Heike Wähner has been searching for a new visual language to express social and personal themes. A new thinking and aesthetic to induce and generalise to find a common visual language for incomprehensible human states.
The complexity of the themes forces her to bring back and capture reason into geometric essence.
21 maart 1974 Oberhausen, Germany
Director Stichting Kunstbikken, Artist-in-Residence projects for primary schools
Art teacher for:
Stichting kunstbikken
Stichting Vrolijkheid
- 2019-2021 Joepieacademie, creative writing, Amsterdam
- 2015-2016 Post HBO Professional Artist in Education, AHK, Amsterdam
- 2006-2010 Fine art, bachelor Visual art, AKV st Joost, Den Bosch
- 1995-1999 bachelor University of Applied science Amsterdam